Setting up a nursery is one of the many exciting things you’ll do in preparation for baby. That said, picking a theme can feel overwhelming with the thousands of options out there, so we’ve narrowed down some of the most stylish and practical finds for baby’s new space.

The nursery is, after all, where you both will be spending a lot of time bonding, so why not make it a space you’ll love? Forget traditional “pink or blue” themes–there’s a variety of fun color palettes and patterns you can explore! Make it special; they’ll only be this small once.

Simply follow our essentials checklist for the nursery, and the rest is completely up to you to customize and decorate!

But First: Nursery Essentials

You can embellish and decorate to your heart’s content–but make sure you have day-to-day necessities close-by and organized for ease of access. Check that you have the following:

  • Crib:在最初的几个月里,婴儿床是你唯一能让宝宝独处的地方,它可以说是你在育儿室里最重要的东西。Take the time to research and ensure baby’s crib meets all safety standards (check out our crib buying guide for more info)
  • Changing table:You’ll want to have all the essentials at-the-ready at your changing table, because things can quickly get messy. Keep diapers, baby powder, rash creams, and burp cloths and towels nearby in case of an accident. The less you have to lean or dig for something, the better! You’re going to have your hands full as it is.
  • Plenty of storage:给托儿所里的每样东西一个“家”对组织是至关重要的。无论是墙上的架子还是有额外箱子的立方体,当你不用衣服和玩具的时候,你会感觉好很多。考虑给你的房间贴上标签——这在你睡眠不足的时候会对你有帮助。
  • A nursery chair:有时宝宝会很难入睡,所以有一把椅子来摇他或她入睡,并照顾他们是必不可少的。只是要确保你不要和它们一起睡着,因为那可能是一个安全隐患。

Now that all your essentials are out of the way, it’s time for the fun part–decorating!

1. Neutral Nuance


2. Colored/Patterned Ceilings

If you’re worried about too much color on your walls, then a colored or patterned ceiling is a perfect alternative. Add a bold shade or an accent pattern that complements a rug or ottoman like the image above. A vibrant nursery can make a happy nursery!

3. Display Your Newborn’s Initials


4. Use Decals or Wallpaper

Going with a specific theme in the nursery means you have a lot to play with, including wood panel decals and wallpaper! Pick a print that encourages curiosity and exploration in your little one. You’ll also want to make sure it’s something you don’t mind looking at, either. Many places have easy stick-on and removable decals andwallpaper, so you can replace once they’re older and want a different look.

5. Add Nature Elements

It’s amazing how greenery can add such an inviting and lively element to a nursery. Those looking for real plants can go with child and pet safe options such as a spider plant or jade plant–which are also conveniently easy to care for. If your green thumb is lacking, though, faux plants are just as beautiful and feel right at home with a forest, tree or animal theme.

6. Add an Eye-Catching Mobile

Keep baby entertained in the crib or at the changing table. The fun shapes and subtle movement of a mobile bring a sense of magic to the nursery. Just make sure the bottom hangs around 16 inches above thecrib mattresssurface and the strings don’t exceed seven inches for safety reasons. Newborns have a line of sight 8-12 inches, so positioning it too high means they won’t get to truly enjoy it.

7. Explore Rugs

Give your baby a comfortable place to crawl and have tummy time–while also accentuating style. Rugs integrate texture and interest into any space; all you need to do is unroll and enjoy. Just clean regularly so when it’s time for your little one to explore, they don’t get a mouthful of hair or lint.

8. Use Blackout Shades or Dimmer Lights

It’s been proven that babies need darkness to sleep–so usingblackout curtainsor shades can be integral to helping them take daytime naps. There are a variety of styles to choose from, and it’ll help them feel comforted and sleep better. Another option to help them get in the mindset of bed is to use a dimmer switch before bed. All babies are different, but it’s important to regulate their circadian rhythm and put them to bed and wake them up around the same time every day.

9. Include Things They’ll Grow Into

Your little one is going to grow up quickly (almost too quickly). To help their developing minds, it’s important to have things they can easily transition into, such as a cute chair like the picture above or a pouf that they can sit on as toddlers and play tea with, for example. Transitional pieces such as crib-to-bed models also help ease the financial burden of constantly buying new furniture every few years as they grow out of cribs and toddler beds.

10. Personal Items for Design Flavor

Whether it’s a personal keepsake for baby or grandma’s hand-stitched blanket that’s been passed down, decorating with something personal gives the nursery homey charm and a sense of identity. You can even use this item as inspiration for the entire nursery theme–it’s entirely up to you!
