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Home Decor & Furniture,Kids Room Ideas,世界杯32强进16强淘汰赛赛程 Published:April 23, 2018| Updated:January 24, 2020

Mommy + Me Girls Room Makeover With Natalie Thompson

Impressing us left and right, Natalie Thompson from Deeply Distressed is at it again with her stellar design skills. This time, however, she enlisted the aid of her daughter Endia, and turned her latest project into a bonding moment. The mother/daughter team sought out colors, chose stylish furniture, and not only designed a chic, functional new space, but they created great memories as well.

Kids Room Ideas,世界杯32强进16强淘汰赛赛程 Published:April 12, 2018| Updated:November 19, 2019

How to Create a Boho Boys Room With Amber Shirley

As you can tell by her Instagram username, “PreppyBohemianAtHome”, for Amber Shirley, boho is the only way to go – even in her son, Rylan’s bedroom. But she discovered that creating a “fashionable” boy’s room can be a tricky task when it’s video games and sports that take top priority for him. Thankfully her little man’s lack of interest in a stylish room couldn’t stop her from creating a space that’s infused with boho chic, yet still meets his demands for fun.

Kids Room Ideas,世界杯32强进16强淘汰赛赛程 Published:April 11, 2018| Updated:November 19, 2019

Kids Bedroom Makeovers with Blogger Robin Long

Ashley HomeStore风格的影响者和艺术家/博主,Robin Long(又名Coastal Crafty Mama)是缺乏耐心。罗宾将更新一个房间,并在几个月内准备一些新的东西。但在为她的三个孩子装饰卧室时,罗宾决定从长远角度考虑,让她的孩子们今天和明天都能喜欢。罗宾没有过分追求“以主题为中心”的儿童房,而是专注于最后的润色,创造出任何年龄的孩子都能自豪地称之为自己的别致、舒适的寓所。