Every season has its beautyfrom carefree summer days to the cozy days of winter. Refreshing your home with new decor and furniture is a great way to invite novel vibes into your home. This allows you to enjoy the charms of each season and keep your home looking on-trend. At the end of fall, trick-or-treating season and Thanksgiving are over, which sets the stage for frosty and cheerful winter. This is when you can use some newwinter decorideas to make your home look just right for cold weather.

During the winter, homes are overall colder because of the lower outdoor temperature. Even in the South, there can be some cold days, so it’s smart to equip your home with warm linens and accessories to get through the season. Ashley’s winter decorations are inspired by many favorite styles like farmhouse, traditional, glam, and Christmas house so that every designer can achieve their exact vision. Here are some tips on winter home decor to make your home exactly the way you picture it.

How to Decorate for the Winter Months

In the winter, you’re more likely to have extra pillows and throw blankets around the home. This is because temperatures are normally lower, and it’s convenient topick up something cozy to stay warm. It also looks more comfortable and inviting to see a couch decorated with buffalo plaid or faux fur pillows. Every personality and preference is different, so you will see many different winter themes at play. Here are some main themes that people love for decorating their homes.

  • Glam– If it sparkles or shines, it’s in. We’re talking about velvet throws, sparkly candle holders, warm and cool metals, gold plated accessories, sequins, and all that “happy new year” dazzle that you’d expect from a bold and fun theme. Decorate your house from the outside in with sparkly winter door decor like tinsel wreaths or whimsical LED lights.
  • Farmhouse Modern-This combines the best of rustic elegance with the convenience of modern functionality with furniture and accessories that stick to organic materials. Picture barn doors and chunky knit throws with plenty of indoor plants while a pot of coffee slowly brews in the kitchen. Plush chenille pillows on couches and beds also prime the house for a rustic winter feel.
  • Traditional-经过考验和真正的冬季装饰可以适用于几乎任何家庭。典型的冬季住宅的床上都配有柔软的法兰绒床单和枕头。与此同时,磨砂烛台装饰着壁炉。人造和栩栩如生的常绿树叶花环和花环装饰着门口,桌子和门廊前。
  • Christmas-每个人都有一个痴迷于圣诞节的朋友,或者也许你自己对冬季仙境的装饰总是看不够。在这个主题中,到处都会有圣诞装饰——从驯鹿到雪人再到圣诞老人的雪橇。装饰品也不局限于内部。前院、门廊,甚至屋顶都会被圣诞装饰装饰得闪闪发光。


Find the Best Winter Throw Pillows for Your Living Room

客厅是家庭的中心。It’s wherepicture frames你爱的人的全部展示,也是你可以在一天结束时放松的地方。把你的秋季主题枕头换成冬天的纹理和印花枕头会产生戏剧性的变化,不会让你倾家荡产。你也可以挂冬日主题的相框,在咖啡桌上放上冰霜烛台和糖果碗,或者把它们当作冬日的壁炉装饰。有这么多的装饰选择,你可以让你的客厅主题和完全符合你的品味。

  • Pro Tip: Do you already have enough pillows but still want to switch up your look? You don’t have to buy more pillows when you can simply switch out pillow covers! Wash them and use them as often as you like so they always look new. You can also alternate different looks within the same season, such as exchanging early winter’s Christmas themes to New Year sparkles in a snap.

When to Put Lanterns and Candles Out for the Winter

When the time change hits toward the end of the year, indoor and outdoor lighting becomes all the more essential. Ashley’sChristmas lanterns and candlesallow you to dress your home up from the inside out in minutes. Lighting like LED candles and lanterns make excellent winter porch decor and relaxing living room lighting for those low-key evenings. You may put your lanterns out anytime you like, but you’ll definitely get the most use out of them when sunsets happen earlier in the day. If you choose to have them out earlier before the time change, lanterns can also serve as supplemental porch and living room decorative pieces without the illumination.

Winter Porch Decor Ideas

Your curb appeal can get a significant boost from new outdoor winter decor. Welcome your guests and present a stylish appearance to your neighbors withnew outdoor furniture and other winter decorating essentialsfrom Ashley. Miniature Christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, faux outdoor plants that can withstand the chill, and durable outdoor rugs and cushions are just the tip of the iceberg. You can also find plenty of non-Christmas porch elements like winter-themed outdoor pillows, throws, and cute snowman figurines.

How to Create a Wintry Wonderland in Your Home


  • Use winter-themed dinnerware like snowflake printed plates and frosty mugs for cocoa and coffee.
  • Replace the past season’s decor with winter-themed table runners, placemats, and rugs.
  • Replace autumn wall art with winter wall decor like candy canes, slogan signs, and paintings of wintry landscapes.
  • Transform every bedroom with insulating drapes to update your windows and exchange fall bedding for cozy winter comforters.
