Small apartments remain as popular today as they ever were in the past. Whether you’re saving money, getting the best view of the city, or just enjoying having your own place, you can always find ways to maximize your enjoyment of your space.Small-space furniturein the latest trends? It’s the best that apartment living has to offer in every floor plan. Let’s explore what Ashley has to offer to help you curate an apartment you’ll love, regardless of available square footage.

Small Apartment Dining Tables

Dining in a smaller apartment means thinking smart and making good use of every inch. Tables can double as both workspaces and entertaining areas when strategically selected for both style and function. Try a leaf table that expands and contracts as needed to match your lifestyle. Many modern designs adjust to fit what you have planned for the space.Round dining tables保持在最小的用餐区域容纳两到四名食客的最佳方式之一,真正最大化每个角落和角落。

Storage Ideas to Maximize Space

It’s storage furniture that makes small-apartment living elegant and easier at the same time. Not only will a storage ottoman or bench help banish clutter, but the right furniture won’t advertise that it’s packed to the brim with magazines and craft supplies. A small apartment desk will also keep charging cables and other electronics organized without letting guests see the mess. Work extra storage into every room in your apartment to finally have a place for it all.Bathroom shelvesorganize bathrooms with little countertop real estate to spare for cosmetics and skin-care products. There’s a small apartment storage solution for every free space, from the kitchen to the bedroom (and everywhere in between.)

How to Decorate a Small Space

试图在小公寓的每个部分都有一个独特的主题会导致混乱或压倒性的装饰。这在单间公寓和房间之间几乎没有分隔的开放式平面图中更是如此。相反,试着选择一个单一的主题来装饰,并在不同的区域使用这个主题。从浪漫、大胆或现代的感觉开始,然后用你喜欢的纹理和颜色进一步缩小范围。添加一些小细节让空间感觉更大。Mirrorsare a traditional suggestion for this approach, but they’re far from your only option. Almost any glossy or highly reflective surface on furniture or decorations can make the room feel bigger and brighter. Try higher curtain rods, longer drapes, and narrow geometric runner rugs that usually stretch the dimensions of the apartment.

Small Apartment Furniture


Couches for Small Spaces

If you’re working with the smallest living areas, stick with one or twoloveseatsrather than three-seater couches. Thesespace-saving designs在保持中世纪或现代风格的同时,允许舒适的放松。对于一个小公寓的分段方式,尝试连接开放式沙发与休息室部分和可连接的扶手。定制沙发系统真的能帮你找到一个座位最大化的安排,而不会让小公寓客厅拥挤不堪。无侧边和无扶手的设计很受小空间的欢迎,因为它们提供了最灵活的座位。这些类型的沙发和沙发没有被挤压或拥挤的感觉。想想你想要增加多少抱枕和其他物品。衬垫更薄、设计更流线型的沙发为细节装饰提供了更好的画布。

Apartment Living Room Ideas

Small-space living room furnitureshould never feel cramped or look basic just because it’s designed to save space. Style and visual appeal can come in the smallest packages, so don’t settle for less just because you need to carefully select the furnishings. Make sure every detail in the apartment living room pulls its weight and contributes more than one feature, even if it’s merely decorative. There’s no extra space for items that only “sort of” inspire your love of the apartment. With a critical eye for knick-knacks and side tables alike, you’ll soon have the cozy apartment living room ideas you need.

Small Bedroom Design Tips

当设计小公寓时,卧室是最容易被填满的空间。一旦你增加了一张全床、大床或特大号床,一般的卧室就没有多少空间来放梳妆台、床头柜和其他卧室必需品了。Again, look forsmall-space bedroom furniturethat pulls double duty to make the most of every square foot. The dresser-nightstand that organizes your outfits while holding your bedside lamp can adapt to any bedroom. Shelving is a great way to move books, instruments, and more off the bedroom floor for easier cleaning. Since the bed has a limited height and you’ll mostly use it while laying down, it’s easy to take advantage of walls with cabinets and floating shelves for storage expansion.

Now that you know how to decorate your apartment space know that there’s nothing wrong with embracing the thought that less is more. Small apartments can be wonderful. They just need a light touch when decorating and furniture that’s sized to fit the space. From dining room tables under 50 inches in length to storage furniture that hides anything away, it’s all available here at Ashley.